Galatians 4:6 (AMP) And because you [really] are [His] sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying out, “Abba! Father! Abba! Father! Wow, What a priviledge and a gift to get to call God Almighty, Dad!! If you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart and have been born again, this promise belongs to you! One day while I was spending some quality time with Daddy! The question arose " Why do we call it "Spending" time? I heard the answer " Because it Cost something. It cost Jesus so much for us to be able to have the opportunity to live, breath and enjoy life! Time is so valuable and such a precious gift and one of Life's greatest treasures, we know. How we use our time is extremely important. It can not be stressed enough. It's one of those lessons that if I could go back and drill it into the head of my younger self I would. Please Don't waste time! I think that's one of the devil's biggest strategies to get you to use...
This page is all about providing you Encouragement and Hope to fuel your faith to overcome fear, worry, depression, and doubt, through devotionals, poetry inspired by and based on the Word of God, The Holy Bible let's be Clear on that!!