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The Great Physician

Jesus Christ, Did you know you are the love of His life
 He loves you when you’re wrong and he loves you when you’re right
What manner of man is this; He gave up his life for his enemies and did not sin
He knew HE had to do it so we could be born to win, So God could call us “friend”
Why not get born again? Getting to know Him goes deeper than religion and traditions
It’s sad to say but you can’t judge the Savior by looking at some “Christians”
…no judgement, just a call for us to make better decisions

Jesus Christ- The Breath of Life                                    

The reason for breathing
He’s soothing to my soul like a rubber toy to a baby who’s teething
He’s like miracle grow to a hair line that’s receding
He’s like the band aid that stops the bleeding
He heals all sickness and diseases, that’s my Jesus M.D.
His blood is the remedy, the transfusion that revitalized me
When I went into cardiac arrest He saved me with his power
His grace is the I.V. connected to my soul. So I can’t be devoured
He rehabilitated my life with unlimited “therapy” sessions
Gave me a daily “treatment plan” in the form of the bible and faith confessions
With  NO premiums or bills, He paid it all, no debt, no collections calls…
He is my,  “Blue Cross, “Blue Sword and Shield,” and the best medical Plan in the field

Revised Dec. 2014


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