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Will you take T.I.M.E. to read this?

Hello Good People! Just a quick note to encourage you today with a message, I believe,The Father, put on my heart to remind you all of and that is 
To pay attention and be accountable to your T-I-M-E
One of the most precious gifts He could give us all
 NO Matter who you are or what you believe, 
Like the saying goes,We are all given the same amount of it in a day!
Let's appreciate how precious and valuable it is.
God gave me this acronym specially for you!
 Time is T.I.M.E. (Treasured Instances of Memorable Events) to enjoy life!  So Make the best of it. Don't abuse it. Don't waste it getting wasted (Lol) Be Productive! Make
 T.I.M.E with yourself make T.I.ME. with Family, and last but most certainly not least, make T.I.M.E. with God. 
And remember, He is loves you and believes the best in you!
Now, below are a couple of pieces I wrote Inspired by this concept of time, Enjoy and if you do so, PLEASE Feel free to comment, and sign up to FOLLOW this blog! 

Much love to ya,
- Elle Williams

This is the Assassination of Procrastination

Yes I did it, I am the assailant
I killed it, 
with one shot, gave it all I've got

This is a declaration of Liberation!
A celebration of activation
When you start, IT ends,
My weapon of choice is my pen
Ironically, for this Freedom I have become Captive
 Like a prisoner, I WORK to make THIS dream happen
I will happily labor, like a slave for minimum wage
Either way, I am overpaid
Like the saying goes when you truly love what you do
You would do it for free...
There was only
The enemy to productivity
I had to get rid of it, forgive me
I caught it off guard;
It’s buried it in my backyard
It seemed to pursue me,
It thought it knew me,
I was inconsistent, consistently
But little did it know I met someone named Grace,
And I changed
How did I do it?
It’s the truth, I must give
I poisoned it with a little something called initiative
That’s all it took, taking a little more everyday
And just like that it took
Procrastinations breathe away
This is my confession!
 killing it turned out to be a blessing
For years it had me lost in a daze thinking I had more time
I couldn’t find the culprit at first, it’s like I was blind
Or it seemed disguised
It had so many faces, showing up in so many places
I  didn’t initially see it as a threat,
It’s been around so long, like an old war Vet
I actually thought it was a friend
A way out, an escape route
When I felt overwhelmed or afraid
“Oh, I can do it later”, Boy, I thought I had it made
Boy, did I get played,
That’s why I got so mad, when I came to my senses
All the things I could have done, thought I was defenseless
The past is the past, no use crying about that now, I’m on a new track
But I had to get rid of that thief, so it could never comeback
"Don't put off until tomorrow, What you can do today"
A cliché’so full of truth
Imagine, if had of heeded these words in my youth,
Now, I make it my aim to empower you!

***Disclaimer: This is a literary artistic form of expression not intended to be taking to condone or lighten the serious nature of an actual murder in any form******
Please remember *Thou shalt Not Kill living beings** whew…LOL

- Elle. Williams
Own Heir, LLC
Make that Call, Put in the application and/ or resignation, Book that vacation
Tell that some one you've been thinking about, what's   been on your heart now!
It flies by like a jet in the sky
Cherish it embrace it,
It can be so impatient
But what can you do?
Get your self together because it won’t wait for you
You can try to contain it in a sweet memory
But while you’re caught in the moment
Your thoughts become history
It’ll still be going, going on
The one thing that’s still surviving when all things are gone
It’s a precious gift so taken for granted
By this concept, I have become so enchanted
Procrastination and intimidation
 Attempted to put limitations on my elevation,
But now, NO MORE hesitation
I am fed up with wasting it
Now, I am taking it
Now is the time
LIVE and let your light shine! 

16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16 James Version (KJV)

-Elle. Williams,
Own Heir, LLC 


  1. This is great the TIME piece is clever too!

  2. Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to reply!

  3. This is a excellent piece on time. I really needed this as a reminder as I have been out of TIME a lot lately. I look forward to more of your work Elle.


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