No more T-shirts
It’s a sad day today, Black man in the USA, seemingly born with
a disadvantage,
Looking into the eyes straight into to the future of my BLACK
Days When your only crime may be being born
What do I teach him, to stay or to Run,
To carry or To not carry a GUN,
Does it even Matter?
If the enemy just wants your black head on a platter
Born into a system where there is slim chance to win,
so why not be born again?
Live by a whole new set of rules and laws, where you are
guaranteed to prosper in your soul, better get right within
Can’t change your skin, so you better get right within
“They” ain’t right within, so you better get right within
We are approaching the end, so you better get right within
On a side note,
Let me address this letter I wrote:
Dear “White” America,
Just because my son is black does not mean he will rob you
Just because my son is black does not mean he is poor
Just because my son is black does not mean he is Angry
Just because my son is black does not mean he wants to be a
rapper or a pro athlete or entertainer though Yes, he might because he is
genetically inclined to be creative, strong, fast and strong willed
Just because my son is black does not mean he is not intelligent
Just because my son is black does not mean he is lazy
Just because my son is black does not mean that he came from a
single parent home
He is not a threat to your
safety or a menace to society
He is a human being who
is worthy of respect.
He is valuable, and
will grow up to be an honorable man an asset A gift to society who will make a
positive mark on the world.
Dear “Black” America
When we can’t depend
on the system for Justice, we have to leave it in God’s hands
More than a Black
Lives Matter movement,
It’s a stand, I’m Tired
of wearing RIP T-shirts, It doesn’t ease the hurt
The Black Lives movement, though a very
necessary reiteration
Of the immense VALUE of a Nation
Spoken and heard
Desperately has to be, more than subjects for
poetic “Spoken Word”
Black Lives Matter.
A mission so overflowing with passion
An innocent blood stained plea for peace
A call to action
But regardless of "mainstream’s"
Within, we must make change happen
The sad reality is WE CAN’T make Black Lives
Matter to people who want to believe they don’t
But we can live, carry and conduct ourselves in
ways that show that we know they do
Seek and teach the young men the Wisdom in His infallible proof
All we can do is our individual parts, will you?
With much love respect and sincerity,
Elle. Williams
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