Isaiah 26: 3-4 "You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You." "Trust in the Lord forever,
For in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting STRENGTH."
The King James Version of verse 4 says "Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength"
The Definition of strong according to the Merriam-Webster's dictionary is : 1:
having or marked by great physical power 2: having moral or intellectual power
3: having great resources (as of wealth or talent) 4: of a specified number an
army ten thousand strong 5a: striking or superior of its kind a strong
resemblance b: effective or efficient especially in a specified direction …
strong on watching other people work … — A. Alvarez 6: FORCEFUL, COGENT strong
evidence strong talk 7: not mild or weak : EXTREME, INTENSE: such as a: rich in
some active agent strong beer bof a color : high in chroma c: ionizing freely in
solution strong acids and bases d: magnifying by refracting greatly a strong
lens 8obsolete : FLAGRANT 9: moving with rapidity or force a strong wind 10:
ARDENT, ZEALOUS a strong supporter 11a: not easily injured or disturbed : SOLID
b: not easily subdued or taken a strong fort 12: well established : FIRM strong
On this journey called life one thing we can easily do is get tired and burnt out. Doing the MOST! Today's world glamorizes being busy and overworking as a badge of honor. Even in the church we have a tendency to get into the Martha Syndrome of being too busy doing and moving, that we neglect the needful thing being still and giving our attention to Jesus and the Word of God. So often time we find ourselves tired, weak and exhausted. In other word's void AND depleted of strength on all levels. It's so refreshing to know that The Lord's strength is everlasting. It never runs out and for those who put their complete Trust and Faith in Him. He will be a constant source of strength when we are tired and weak. Let's not wait until we are worn out from trying to do things in our own efforts and strength to come to the Father for help! Let's make it a lifestyle to refer to Him first and Rest in His ability!
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