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The meaning of S.P.E.A.K.

What is S.P.E.A.K.?

It's the way I do poetry, the way God gave it to me to share.
I have been writing "poetry" every since I was a little girl. I finally decided to be obedient. I felt like God had been telling me to publish and share my writings for years but I always procrastinated and hesitated, doubting if it were good enough or if any one even cared.  In fact, I didn't even consider it poetry compared to some of the prestigious poets and writers I would read about and admire. I would just write down and express my thoughts and emotions (as they come to my mind) and they just so happen to rhyme.It seemed to flow out of me almost effortlessly.  Then one day I realized that God was using my writings to HEAL me and give me Understanding and WISDOM about that particular issue in my life. He spoke, "S.P.E.A.K" (Supernatural Poetic Expressions of Anointed Knowledge)to me and placed an undeniable passion and desire to share (what I know now is)a gift with you to encourage you to do the same.
Live Blessed

1 Timothy 4:12-16

12 Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 13 Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. 14 Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. 
S.P.E.A.K Life
and LIVE!
Today , I used my imagination
To see myself impacting the Nation
I saw thousands of people “willing” to pay
To hear, read, or see what I have to say
And they used their own minds to visualize and relate
To the images and pictures I had to create
I see a change in their way of thinking,
I see me doing my part to save them from a boat that is sinking
Today, I used my imagination
To see me, My Family and you
Not living in, but being
Excuse my redundancy
But I am talking about being
 The Abundance of Everything lovely and good
Abundance and that is you, Understood
Like what the Great “I am”, told me, I am
Whatever He is…. I AM
Why, have access to lamb, but believe for spam
Uh uh No ma’am
Come on, Now, Go bananas, nuts, and Ham!
Cray, Cray like they say,
They think you’ve lost your mind anyway
I don’t mind what they say, actually they are right
I lost my mind, for the mind of Christ
I traded my insanity for His Sanity 
My chaos for His Peace
And now, over all of my enemies, it's His blessing I release

Written By Elle. Williams


  1. Excited to follow your blog.

  2. Awesome! I appreciate you, Thank you so much for your support !!!! Please stay tuned!

  3. Thank you so much Kenon! Stay tuned for more I am still trying to work out some links but be sure to follow this blog when you can!


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