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Do you need more strength?

Isaiah 26: 3-4 "You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You." "Trust in the Lord forever, For in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting STRENGTH."    The King James Version of verse 4 says  "Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength"  The Definition of strong according to the Merriam-Webster's dictionary is : 1: having or marked by great physical power 2: having moral or intellectual power 3: having great resources (as of wealth or talent) 4: of a specified number an army ten thousand strong 5a: striking or superior of its kind a strong resemblance b: effective or efficient especially in a specified direction … strong on watching other people work … — A. Alvarez 6: FORCEFUL, COGENT strong evidence strong talk 7: not mild or weak : EXTREME, INTENSE: such as a: rich in some active agent strong beer bof a color : high in chroma c: ionizing freely in solution strong acids and bas...
Recent posts

Quiet Time with the One who matters most

Galatians 4:6 (AMP) And because you [really] are [His] sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying out, “Abba! Father! Abba! Father! Wow, What a priviledge and a gift to get to call God Almighty, Dad!! If you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart and have been born again, this promise belongs to you! One day while I was spending some quality time with Daddy! The question arose " Why do we call it "Spending" time? I heard the answer " Because it Cost something. It cost Jesus so much for us to be able to have the opportunity to live, breath and enjoy life! Time is so valuable and such a precious gift and one of Life's greatest treasures, we know. How we use our time is extremely important. It can not be stressed enough. It's one of those lessons that if I could go back and drill it into the head of my younger self I would. Please Don't waste time! I think that's one of the devil's biggest strategies to get you to use...

During the Pandemic and beyond

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No more T-shirts

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America's aSTIGMAtism

 You've Got Something in Your Eye, America! Skin tone stig·ma (on the Black Man) หˆstiษกmษ™/ noun 1 . a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. "Astigmatism   is a vision condition that causes blurred vision due either to the irregular shape of the cornea, the clear front cover of the eye, ............ As a result, vision becomes blurred at any distance." Wikipedia Literally speaking, Astigmatism is in essence a vision defect, which causes ones vision or perception to be distorted. Basically, t hose who suffer from it cannot see the true or accurate picture of what it is focused in on.  I dare to figuratively say, that the “ eye ” I am referring to in this case is "American society” or certain members of society who choose to draw conclusions about a particular race from unreliable sources.  One day as I was observing my three year old son, I began pondering his journey in America and life in gene...

Will you take T.I.M.E. to read this?

Hello Good People! Just a quick note to encourage you today with a message, I believe,The Father, put on my heart to remind you all of and that is  To pay attention and be accountable to your T-I-M-E One of the most precious gifts He could give us all  NO Matter who you are or what you believe,  Like the saying goes,We are all given the same amount of it in a day! Let's appreciate how precious and valuable it is. God gave me this acronym specially for you!  Time is T.I.M.E. (Treasured Instances of Memorable Events) to enjoy life!    So Make the best of it. Don't abuse it. Don't waste it getting wasted (Lol) Be Productive! Make   T.I.M.E with yourself make T.I.ME . with Family, and last but most certainly not least, make T.I.M.E. with God.  And remember, He is loves you and believes the best in you! Now, below are a couple of pieces I wrote Inspired by this concept of time, Enjoy and if you do so, PLEASE Fee...