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America's aSTIGMAtism

 You've Got Something in Your Eye, America!

Skin tone stig·ma (on the Black Man)

  1. 1.
    a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.
"Astigmatism is a vision condition that causes blurred vision due either to the irregular shape of the cornea, the clear front cover of the eye, ............As a result, vision becomes blurred at any distance." Wikipedia

Literally speaking, Astigmatism is in essence a vision defect, which causes ones vision or perception to be distorted. Basically, those who suffer from it cannot see the true or accurate picture of what it is focused in on. I dare to figuratively say, that the eye” I am referring to in this case is "American society” or certain members of society who choose to draw conclusions about a particular race from unreliable sources. 

One day as I was observing my three year old son, I began pondering his journey in America and life in general. I began to realize the reality of the world and society he lives and will grow up in and some of the social stigmas, he automatically has to join the fight against just by simply being born and it just seemed flat out unfair.
Now I  have become a member of the sisterhood of women who share this enormous yet fulfilling and rewarding responsibility of raising a young black man in America. However recent tragedies,have reminded me of the importance of instilling a strong foundation of good moral character, self worth, respect for others, education, education and did I say education. It seems to be detrimental to the success of growing up to be a model citizen in America.  Everywhere you look there seems to be this great emphasis on "educating" our children and embedding that goal of higher education and I strongly stand behind that message by all means. 
On the contrary,though I know and stated that I wholeheartedly agree that getting an education is pretty much mandatory in order for a black male to excel in society.
Situations such as the Trayvon Martin case, Mike Brown (and I am sure a slew of others just not so highly publicized) indicates and highlights the undercover hatred and fear of the black man that is still being taught and fueled by mass media and our own people.
Truth be told, the outcomes and details surrounding these recent events have left me feeling as if, stressing the importance of our children obtaining higher education, proves what?  (That you are worthy of existence on this earth?) Like as a black man you have to be this model citizen at all times, jump through hoops and more hoops, just to well LIVE at this point.  This is just saddening and we do need change. Everyone has to do their part to understand respect.
 Ready to (P.O.P)  
The Point of the Post: Is this:
 People are battling their own personal demons here and the battle is real…Some people have some deeply rooted issues which when left unattended literally have some people as ticking time bombs that unfortunately things such education, social status, or money cannot save anyone from. 
Honestly, I feel fostering and encouraging a relationship with God to instill His character on the inside of your child at the earliest age possible is the best way to ensure that you are doing the absolute best thing for your child. Everything else come second in my book. Either, way atleast you know they are covered, if you get my drift.  I believe it is the intangible things in life that are the most vital to survival in these days we now live in… When society’s moral compass needs a compass…When people depend on the media’s fabricated perception of a person to judge who a person is …… When the world get’s colder as the Elder people like to say.. let your hearts fire and passion to get hotter as I will continue to do so and boldly go forward  S.p.e.a.k. my heart to the world.

Just because my son is black does not mean he will rob you
Just because my son is black does not mean he is poor
Just because my son is black does not mean he is Angry
Just because my son is black does not mean he wants to be a rapper or a pro athlete or entertainer though Yes, he might because he is genetically inclined to be creative, strong, fast and strong willed
Just because my son is black does not mean he is not intelligent
Just because my son is black does not mean he is lazy
Just because my son is black does not mean that he came from a single parent home

He is not a threat. He is a human who is worthy of respect.  He is a valuable, honorable man who is talented and a valuable asset 
A gift to society who will make a positive mark on the world.
 Though I do believe that, Black lives Matter, this is not an agressive pro black stance
 I believe that all lives matters and as people we can only do what we can
When we can’t depend on the system for Justice, we have to leave it in God’s hands

This poem below is, however, dedicated to the Black Man, Words to encourage you!

Stay Focused, Man
DIS-TRACTIONS are designed to make you LOSE
Get it back
Momentum- Go get 'em
Better yet forget, "Them"
The naysayers
So called Giants, sources of Negativity
The enemy
 IT's Wasted energy, 
Refocus Redirect
Hit the Target,
go for it all like Walmart think, Conglomerate
BigG Dreams
Because I believe
That the
The Sam Walton, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates,
VISIONARY mentalities
Should be taught to the minority
Before they even hit puberty

The complexion complex is complex and not easily addressed
As it exists as the elephant in the Executive room
And is so evident on the evening News
As they so consistently support the agenda of fear
That’s nothing new
 It’s been made crystal clear
Of the messages they want to convey
But I am here to make an interjection, Today!
And I hope you can tell my position, by my inflection
As I remind you that
A Dark Brown complexion is not a mark of rejection
A Dark Brown complexion is the reflection of Kings,
A great nation of leaders with dreams
A Dark Brown complexion cannot be summed up into “reppin” pro teams
A Dark Brown complexion is indeed the color of Champions
Like Holyfield, or Ali, Maywether,
However, as a whole, we have got to do better
Understand wealth, Plan, Save, Invest
Respect Authority!
Gain Interests that gain interest and yield a return
Instead of things that you bag, roll up and burn
I know you yearn to make a better way, buy Mama a house one day
Black man in the USA, seemingly born with a disadvantage, so why not be born again?
Live by a whole new set of rules, where you are guaranteed to win!

With much love respect and sincerity,
Your Sister
Elle Williams

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